Gondoliers 1980
Gondoliers was performed by LOpSoc in 1980.
Production Team[edit]
Role | Name |
Musical Director | Francis Jeffries |
Production Manager | Joan Nixon |
Stage Manager | Fiona Bailey |
Stage Manager | Pete Ryley |
Role | Name |
Duke of Plaza Toro | Paul Jerome |
Luiz | William Hale |
Don Alhambra | David Farmer |
Marco | Craig Sawyers |
Giuseppe | Chris Young |
Antonio | Lon Smith |
Francesco | Martin Cooper |
Giorgio | Richard Brown |
Annibale | Julian Dickins |
Duchess of Plaza Toro | Pauline Weiss |
Casilda | Jennifer Dodge |
Gianetta | Louise Templeton |
Tessa | Cheryl Macey |
Fiametta | Margaret Carter |
Vittoria | Janet Dobson |
Giulia | Pip Saunders |
Inez | Pip Saunders |
Chorus | Angela Jones |
Chorus | Camilla Piper |
Chorus | Cilla Maddams |
Chorus | Dave Selwood |
Chorus | David Hopkin |
Chorus | Fiona Wiseman |
Chorus | Ian Lantham |
Chorus | Jackie Harris |
Chorus | Jane Westlake |
Chorus | Julia Lodge |
Chorus | Julie Hayhurst |
Chorus | Liz Newbold |
Chorus | Malcolm Harrington |
Chorus | Margaret Tweedie |
Chorus | Martin Adlem |
Chorus | Nikki Watkins |
Chorus | Pamela Daroux |
Chorus | Penny Dawe |
Chorus | Richard Harris |
Chorus | Robert Humphrey |
Chorus | Sally Walden |
Chorus | Sue Hambly |
Chorus | Sue Phillips |
Role | Name |
Bassoon | Simon Hopper |
Cello | Jock Strover |
Cello | John Taylor |
Cello | Tim Moore |
Clarinet | Anita Gordon |
Clarinet | Jane Durham |
Clarinet | Julian Boardman |
Clarinet | Richard Andrews |
Flute | Barbara Otto |
Flute | Hilary Schummer |
Flute | Roger Randall |
Horn | Alex Lumley |
Horn | Karen Bailey |
Oboe | Alison Linney |
Oboe | Dave Ashman |
Oboe | Katy Woodcock |
Percussion | Ted Kendall |
Trombone | Richard Haydock |
Trumpet | Ian Dunning |
Viola | Peter Johnson |
Viola | Sonia Rickayzen |
Viola | Steve Greenwood |
Violin | Andy Tummins |
Violin | Asher Rickayzen |
Violin | Diana Lowmar |
Violin | Katrina Ellis |
Violin | Liz Crowley |
Violin | Mike Golding |
Violin | Sarah Anderson |
Violin | Siriol Jenkins |
Violin | Valerie Taylor |
Crew and Other Assistance[edit]
Role | Name |
Backstage Crew | David Hughes |
House Manager | Alison Carmichael |
Lighting | Craig Sawyers |
Lighting | Max Hadley |
Lighting | Russell Gasser |
Make Up | Fiona Bailey |
Make Up | Joan Nixon |
Photography | Gavin Rider |
Production Manager's Assistant | Carole Sawyers |
Prompt | Carole Sawyers |
Props | Janet Dobson |
Props | Kelvin Bamfield |
Props | Paul Dowden |
Repetiteur | Ian McCubbin |
Repetiteur | Ian McGubbin |
Set Design and Construction | Pete Davies |
Set Design and Construction | Pete Ryley |
Stage Crew | Janet Wilson |
Wardrobe | Beth Jenkins |
Wardrobe | Christine King |
Role | Name |
Chairman | Julian Dickins |
Secretary | Sue Hambly |
Treasurer | Martin Adlem |
Orchestral Secretary | Diana Lowmar |
Publicity Officer | Ian Lantham |
Publicity Officer | Paul Jerome |
Social Secretary | Jennifer Dodge |
Ordinary Member | Martin Cooper |
Photo Gallery[edit]
- Photos from Gondoliers 1980
Cheryl Macey as Tessa and chorus singing When a Merry Maiden Marries
Cheryl Macey as Tessa and chorus singing When a Merry Maiden Marries
Chris Young as Giuseppe and chorus singing Rising Early in the Morning
Paul Jerome as the Duke of Plaza-Toro.