Amber Courage

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Amber, a first year music student, joined LOpSoc in 2016 for Fiddler on the Roof, not expecting the tag team cult effort of Ben Walker and Katie Giles raining down meaning that it was too late for escape. She may have questionable murderous French ancestors, so we don't mock her TOO much, for the safety of our English souls.

Having fled the burning remains of Anatevka in Fiddler on the Roof 2016, she now moves onto getting sweet revenge on Katie Giles in her role as Vittoria in the upcoming run of The Gondoliers by refusing to let her ruin the plan of eschewing the gondoliers in favour of Marco and Giuseppe by way of violence. She is also taking on the mammoth task of clothing the entirety of LOpSoc with beautiful clothes as the wardrobe director of the aforementioned show.

History of Roles

Performance Role
Gondoliers 2016 Vittoria/ Wardrobe
Fiddler on the Roof 2016 Daughters Chorus