Christabel Seall

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Christabel Seall


Christabel has recently finished her second year as a music student at the University of Southampton, and is a long-suffering housemate of Musical Director Thomas Joy. A musician from a young age, she has achieved grade 8 on the treble recorder, and grade 5 on the piano, as well as being a self-taught brass player. Christabel can often be found singing around the house, especially in the shower, the kitchen and her room (so basically everywhere!, and frequently bursts into song at random points in conversation. Evenings in her student household frequently include Christabel, Thomas Joy, Charlie Rowen and her other housemate (and honorary LOpSoc member) Dilys singing along to musicals and show tunes.

Christabel joined in 2013 for Pirates of Penzance 2014, after having seen both of their shows in the previous academic year, and was also a member of the chorus for Sweeney Todd 2014.

When combined with Cerys Beesley they form a belting-ly loud alto pair, with Thomas frequently complaining that they can be heard over the rest of the chorus!

Breaking the monotony of her summer, Christabel is excited for the International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival, this year held at Harrogate Theatre, not only for the chance to once again don her bustle and perform The Pirates of Penzance, but also to enjoy the new experience of LOpSoc on tour!

She is very much looking forward to Iolanthe 2015 and the chance to continue being involved in the society in her final year (she may even pluck up the courage to audition for something!).

History of Roles

Performance Role
Pirates of Penzance 2014 Daughters' Chorus
Sweeney Todd 2014 Chorus