Rhona Graham

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File:Oh my god shut up.jpg
Rhona expresses her disgust for the HMS Pinafore's disabled crew member Dick Deadeye

Rhona is a second year languages student studying German and Spanish. Born in Scotland, raised in Wales, she attempted to make up for lost Englishness by joining LOpSoc in 2014, during her first year. Her first show was the Southampton run of Iolanthe, during which the UV for the dramatic scenes had the same effect as a tanning booth, rendering her skin a crispy golden brown. It was during this production run that she first suggested the idea of the now ubiquitous LOpSoc Naked Charity Calendar, which lead to Rhona becoming the youngest ever LOpSoc member to have a meme made from them.

She boarded the HMS Pinafore in February 2015 to take part in her second show, mucking around in the chorus once again. She formed a strong working relationship with Katie Giles in both version of her character, the Vodka Aunt (for which she received the Order of Lenin from a grateful Vladimir Putin) and in her words "the prim but slutty aunt". The production run also saw the appearance of the famous "Rhona bitch face", which has been known to destroy the minds of lesser men. Rhona returned to her raptor fairy ways in the Harrogate production of Iolanthe, causing several pensioners to congratulate her after the show for such a wonderful performance in Jurassic Park.

Rhona is now the creative director for LOpSoc's 2016 production of Fiddler on the Roof, which fulfills her childhood dream of dressing people up like Yiddish peasant doll people and forcing them to re-enact Russian pogroms. Needless to say, we're all looking forward to it immensely.

When not mucking around in the chorus, Rhona enjoys tweeting pictures of rare ironing boards and playing Quidditch, which she continues to insist is a real sport and not just rugby with a broom between your legs.

Major Achievements

  • One half of Geona
  • Driver of the Banter Bus
  • Will nail you with a bitch face unseen by man before or since. Only Amy Wardle holds a more fearsome bitchface, and luckily they're good friends. Unluckily, a Amy/Rhona tag team would slay a small country.
  • Holds the official title of LOpSoc Meme Machine

Past Roles

Show Role
Iolanthe 2015 Fairy Chorus
HMS Pinafore 2015 Sisters, Cousins and Aunts Chorus
Iolanthe 2014 Fairy Chorus